Original air date: 05/10/1985
Universal production number 59529
Filming dates: 03/15/1985 through 03/26/1985
The teaser starts with Lombard on a yacht with his son and his son’s girlfriend. It is dark out and the Yacht is tied up along the west end of Watson Island near Chalk Airlines. Lombard’s son is not showing Lombard much love or respect.
Then we cut to Crockett and Tubbs in the Daytona coasting up to the yacht with their lights off. They are followed by a marked unit and an unmarked unit from Miami’s City Marshal’s Unit. They are approaching from the north driving south along the water.
They serve Lombard with a subpoena. Then we see the standard season 1 opening montage.
Then we return to Lombard’s boat where he is starting to feel the pressure.
From there we go to the interior of the O.C.B., a set at Greenwich Studio. Castillo tells Crockett and Tubbs to make sure Lombard stays alive to testify.
Then we go to an ice cream parlor. Charlie is meeting with Librizzi on behalf of Lombard but ends up being offered Lombard’s action by Librizzi. This was filmed at the Barcelona Hotel, 4343 Collins Ave., Miami Beach. The ice cream parlor is now the gym (ironic) for the hotel which is now the Four Points by Sheraton.
Next we see Lombard paying a visit to his girlfriend. This was filmed on Key Biscayne at 241 Harbor Drive. Larry and Stan are parked across the street watching. They are at 200 Harbor Drive. Lombard pulls out and drives up Harbor Drive toward the mainland. We will see this residence used again in episode 45, When Irish Eyes Are Crying.
Then it cuts and we see Lombard at lunch with Larry and Stan in tow. Only the restaurant won’t let the poorly dressed duo in. This was filmed on the Whiskey River at the Seafair, 101 N. Dania Beach Rd., Dania, Fl. We see this location used again in episode 63, Red Tape.
As they exit, Librizzi has two Hit-
Next we cut to one of Librizzi’s warehouses. It has been torched by an arsonist. This was filmed at ABC Supplies, 1345 N. Miami Ave. in Miami. As Tubbs walks into the building a couple of ABC signs are visible.
Burn Notice likes filming in this area. They used the building across the street in episode 23, Hot Spot. It was A.S.A. Dismantling and Demolition and ABC Supply can be seen in the background at one point.
Then we go to the dogs. Hollywood greyhound race track. U.S. 1 in Hallandale, Fl. There Crockett and Tubbs question Augie, one of Lombard’s men about what is happening.
Burn Notice used this greyhound track in their episode 32, Fearless Leader.
Then we go to Biscayne General Hospital. The exterior set up shot was filmed at Cedars.
Then we go inside the hospital. This was filmed on a set at Greenwich Studios.
Then we go back to the O.C.B. also filmed on set at Greenwich Studios.
Then we see Lombard in a warehouse. This is possibly in the basement of the Dade County Courthouse but location is unconfirmed. There is a sign on the wall, “ check pumps daily” which would suggest that it was the basement of a building.
Then we go back to Lombard’s boat at Watson island.
Then we cut to Crockett and Tubbs driving westbound over the bridge from Watson Island to mainland Miami.
Then we see Crockett and Tubbs return to Watson Island where they see Lombard making a run for it.
They tail Lombard over the Miami River, southbound on Brickell Ave.
Then northbound on Biscayne Blvd. passing NE 5th Street with the freedom tower in the background.
Then we see them turn from southbound on Brickell Ave. to eastbound on the Rickenbacker Causeway.
Then it jumps to I95 southbound approaching the 395 interchange.
Then southbound past exit 2 headed toward the Miami River (over NW 1 Street).
Then Lombard’s car slams on the brakes, does a u-
Crockett and Tubbs drive by and continue southbound over the river. They pass the spot where Mary McDermott would have been thrown from in Little prince and where Alonzo stepped in front of a tractor trailer unit in Miami Vice 2006.
Next we see Lombard on the Rickenbacker Causeway headed toward the bridge to Virginia Key. Before they reach the bridge they cut across to the north side and come to a stop near where the bridge starts. Charlie has betrayed Lombard but Crockettt and Tubbs have arrived in time to save Lombard.
Then we see the exterior of the O.C.B. While Castiilo and Crockett are talking.
Then we go to the Florida Villas. 13645 Biscayne Blvd., N. Miami.
Filming on 03/25/1985
Sadly this little motel has been torn down and replaced by a useless strip mall. All the interior shots were filmed at Greenwich Studios on set.
When the band R,E.M. was in Miami recording at Criteria Studios about 5 or 6 years after this filming, they also liked the Florida Villas. So much so that they had the group photo for the album taken there.
A hit squad arrives w/o a real plan, Stan goes Rambo, and Lombard takes off.
Next we see the crew in Castillo’s office (set).
From there we see Lombard talking to his son as they walk along a track. This was filmed on Miami Beach at Flamingo Park off of 11th Street.
Then Crockett and Tubbs take Lombard off shore. On the Saint Vitus Dance out on Biscayne Bay to be safe.
The next day they bring him to the Dade County Courthouse, arriving on the south side. We see this courthouse used in many episodes of Miami Vice as well as in the movies, Bad Boys and Absence of Malice where we see numerous parts of the interior as well as the exterior.
They hold a hearing on the 6th floor of the courthouse which seems to be the standard floor for filming Miami Vice courtroom scenes. Lombard refuses to testify. After making bond, he leaves the courthouse via the underground parking exit on the east side of the building. He heads south on NW Miami Court. There were two hit men waiting for him and they drive off after him. The episode ends here.
Please click here to see
Location Call sheets from this episode.
Stan and Larry
1st Revision 08/10/2012
25 48’ 56.44” N
80 07’ 18.69” W
25 41’ 49.52” N 80 10’ 08.72” W
It cuts and it is now daylight. Stan and Larry have apparently tailed him back to Watson Island where they continue to watch Lombard on his boat.
26 03’ 18.75” N
80 06’ 48.30” W
25 47’ 15.60” N 80 11’ 38.06” W
25 59’ 40.82” N 80 08’ 44.48” W
25 47’ 18.74” N 80 12’ 56.80” W
25 47’ 14.47” N 80 11’ 01.29” W
25 47’ 15.60” N
80 11’ 38.06” W
25 46’ 46.34” N 80 11’ 18.93” W
25 45’ 01.48” N 80 12’ 13.64” W
25 47’ 37.34” N
80 12’ 19.75” W
25 46’ 28.13” N
80 11’ 58.06” W
25 46’ 14.20” N
80 11’ 57.62” W
25 44’ 47.35” N 80 11’ 22.37” W
25 54’ 04.04” N 80 09’ 34.68” W
25 46’ 55.18” N 80 08’ 22.46” W
25 46’ 27.83” N 80 11’ 42.09” W
Modified 7/7/13 for new site
If you recognize any of the unknown locations or have something else to add, please let me know at:
Recently (Spring 2018) revisited this location with Scotty Palmer and took additional photos. They reveal some of the updates that the park has seen after recent, massive renovations but the Vice vibe is still there.